Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The day after

Wow, what a night.
I went home from work last night all bummed out. I'd heard reports from the exit polls in Ohio and Florida, and they didn't sound good for W.

Fast forward several hours, Bush ended up winning Florida by 300,000 or so votes, and Ohio by 120,000 or so votes. The exit polls had kerry winning those states by a landslide, so much for "exit polls".

My liberal neighbor had a ton of people over at her house for some sort of liberal weenie Kerry party. Fox News announce that Florida and Ohio went to Bush. I decided to go outside and listen to the screams of anguish from all the libs at the party, sure enough, they were bawling, breaking stuff, and just going crazy.

I had a good laugh, went back into the house, popped open a beer and celebrated a hard fought Bush victory.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Voting Day

Well, today's the day. Will we continue to stay the course or will we surrender our soverenty to u.n. ? If Kerry wins, you can bank on it. He's so consumed with appeasing the "global community", so get ready for 4 years of the world first, us second.

It's gonna be a tight race, I just hope we know who won by tomorrow, but I'm sure the lawyers are going to make sure that the official winner isn't known until next year.

I voted on Friday and had to wait in an hour long line. When I left, the line was as long as it was when I first arrived. Pretty impressive for a grocery store :-p