Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Initial Blog

Howdy y'all, 20041013:

Welcome to my initial post. This won't be long b/c I have to get back to work. However, here's a few notes from yesterday:

  • I received a job offer yesterday that I've agreed to accept. Whoop (although I didn't get quite as much money as I'd like), thus ends forever, hopefully, my computer biz contractor career. Don't get me wrong, contracting can be lucrative, but there's very little stability. (plus you don't get paid for days you take off :-p )
  • 2) My girlfriend also got a job offer yesterday. The only catch is... she has to apply for and receive a research grant to fund her salary. So, assuming that goes through, she'll get to start her career as a post-doc underpaid science nerd.
  • Moving Stuff:
    • Still painting, on the menu for yesterday was painting of the crown molding and doors in the living room and kitchen. Up next for painting, the base boards in all of the rooms.
    • Worked on the driveway until the sun went down, installing a barrier along one side to help prevent water running off the lawn from washing my crushed granite away.
  • Work stuff:
    • Finally got Sametime Server 3.1 to install and configure successfully to use Active Directory for its LDAP server. Woohoo. I'd like to suggest to IBM that your documentation really stinks.
    • I found out that installing the Sametime Mobile Extensions 3.0 into the Lotus\Domino directory actually overwrites several key Sametime Server files without warning you. Crappy. I'm still working on the solution, as there's no documentation that states where those durn things are supposed to be installed.


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